Glazed steel structures.

About us

More than 20 years of experience in production of glazed PVC and aluminium structures encourages us to seek new challenges and more modern solutions. As an ancient material of our civilization, steel is being successfully used in all areas of life, including construction. With mechanical and physical properties of steel we can meet the demands of modern architecture for special design, fine lines, and load-bearing capacity of the structures in accordance with construction regulations.

That is why we have started producing glazed steel structures from steel profile systems developed and manufactured by the Swiss company JANSEN. The new production plant was designed and equipped in line with the recommendations of JANSEN specialists. This experience gives us the confidence to achieve our goal of producing high quality glazed steel structures.

We offer you steel profile windows, partition walls, doors, panoramic sliding doors, bifolding doors and glazed facades. We can also design and manufacture conservatories to suit your architecture.

Sandis Kalniņš
Sales Manager
Agnese Kalniņa
Management of the company
Māris Būmanis
Jansen Art’15 iekštelpu tērauda starpsiena
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